Indigenous Consulting

We simplify Indigenous consultation and engagement by integrating all its facets into a unified strategy.

Our expertise spans policy advocacy, legal compliance, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy, supply chain integration, community engagement, awareness training, and more. Our holistic approach reduces friction, streamlines projects, and allows us to deliver long-term value instead of temporary fixes and surface-level interactions.

indigenous relations strategy
    • Build relationships to create a foundation for positive collaboration. In instances where relationships may have been strained, we aim to facilitate reconciliation. 

    • Assess business proposals to ensure they align with the cultural, environmental, and economic interests of Indigenous communities. Address potential barriers and bottlenecks to achieve equitable business agreements between corporations and Indigenous communities. 

    • Navigate international, federal, and provincial policy, including interpreting and applying relevant laws, understanding policy frameworks, and ensuring that all activities align with legal requirements and respect Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Indigenous consulting esg
    • Identify relevant ESG metrics and their relation to the well-being of Indigenous communities. Publicly report on the impact of business operations on Indigenous people.  

    • Create a plan to set and achieve ambitious ESG targets that contribute to fostering strong relationships where we live and work. 

    • Support all facets of ESG strategy, such as greening and diversifying supply chains, reducing environmental risk factors, implementing community relations, and maintaining a balanced board and leadership team.

Indigenous relations consultancy
    • Influence environmental policies and regulations to uphold the rights and autonomy of Indigenous people.

    • Collaboratively design and implement a Progressive Aboriginal Relations program to support achieving a CCAB PAR standing. 

    • Ensure compliance with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and incorporate these rights into business practices and agreements.

    • Serve as an intermediary between companies seeking development permits and Indigenous communities whose traditional territories are involved.

Indigenous relations DEI
    • Build systems that value and integrate Indigenous perspectives, ensuring that decision-making processes are inclusive and representative of diverse voices.

    • Seek equitable business solutions that will benefit future generations and ensure fair access to opportunity and resources for all stakeholders. 

    • Celebrate differences, address systemic biases, and embody inclusivity and collaboration.

Indigenous community engagement
    • Develop and implement community engagement strategies for companies operating in or near Indigenous territories.

    • Engage Indigenous community members in dialogue about development and ensure economic opportunities are available to them. 

    • Empower Indigenous communities to work collaboratively with industry and actively participate in decision-making processes to ensure their cultural values and knowledge are integrated into industry practices.

Indigenous relations training
    • Create tailored Indigenous awareness modules that are specific to your company’s industry and region. 

    • Enhance understanding of the unique cultural, historical, and social contexts of Indigenous communities relevant to your company's operations. 

    • Analyze the challenges and opportunities within your company’s sector, including traditional land use, environmental considerations, and industry-specific protocols for engaging with Indigenous communities.

Ready to Pursue
Responsible Development?

Contact us to learn more about our Indigenous consultancy services.